Benefits of Shakeology

I was skeptical about Shakeology for so long. I never thought it was a gimmick or that it didn’t do what it claims, I just thought that there were other comparable supplements out there… And that is true but only to an extent. You would have to spend hundreds of dollars on supplements to get all the ingredients that are in Shakeology. But Shakeology is only $4 per day. I know that can add up for some of you but think about replacing your daily Starbucks with Shakeology, and stop grabbing lunch at that fast food restaurant, and quit buying junk food for snacks! Surely you can invest $4 a day into your health. If you think eating healthy is expensive, just imagine the hospital bills later in life! From my personal experience, having Shakeology every day has reduced my cravings for junk food and has helped me lose weight, my skin is clear and glowy and I have more energy throughout my day.




Portion Fix! 21 Day Fix Meal Plan + Containers without the Fitness Program

So excited to tell you guys about Portion Fix! 21 Day Fix has an amazing meal plan. It is set apart from ALL other Beachbody Programs because of its easy-to-follow portion control eating guide. Now Beachbody has made it possible for you to get the meal plan and containers without having to buy the fitness program. Whether you use Portion Fix on it’s own or combine it with ANY fitness program, you are guaranteed to feel better, look better, and improve your performance with any exercise.

I personally love this meal plan! I have never been on a “diet” where I didn’t feel deprived, except THIS ONE! This meal plan even allows you to incorporate desserts and alcohol so you don’t have to give up everything you love to indulge in!

It comes with:

  • 7 color-coded containers + 1 extra large container for packing larger meals
  • A 25-ounce Shakeology shaker cup
  • The Portion Fix Eating Guide
  • A 20 Page Recipe E-book
  • And ME as your free health + fitness coach!

All this for only $39.90!

Interested? E-mail me:
