My Week Two Results on 21 Day Fix

I just finished Week 2 of my first round of 21 Day Fix. To be honest, this wasn’t the best week. I was busier than normal. My boys refused to nap. My husband had school and work obligations. I had a lot to catch up on with the house. I had to prepare for my anniversary and for Thanksgiving. I was busy. I felt like there were not enough hours in the day to get everything I had to do done. I just was not feeling very motivated. We all have those days. That’s what us mommies and wives/girlfriends do. We take care of our families, we get overwhelmed and we feel overworked. So sometimes, that means we skip a workout or we don’t eat according to plan…

That was my week and it’s okay. That’s life. Things happen. We can’t plan for everything; what we can do is keep moving forward. You missed a workout? Make up for it the next day. You didn’t eat as well as you should have for lunch? Make a healthy dinner.

Despite my week’s obstacles and excuses (yes, they are excuses), I still had RESULTS. During Week 2 I struggled more when it came to my meal plan but I did all the workouts. Weight loss is 80% diet and 20% fitness. That being said, I didn’t lose weight this week (I gained 2 pounds), but I still lost inches!

  • During Week 2 alone I lost an additional 1.5 inches from my body.
  • In comparison to Day 1 I have lost 5.5 inches, and 2.2 pounds so far.

I know my results would have been better if I had been more consistent with meal planning and prepping. But to have still lost inches even after gaining a little weight back, I couldn’t be happier. After all muscle takes up less room than fat.

My body is feeling great! I am feeling stronger and more flexible. I don’t have to modify the workouts as much as I did last week. These simple workouts are EFFECTIVE! They work! Before measuring myself, I noticed my arms and thighs looking slimmer and my calves looking more toned! I’m noticing the changes in the way my body looks and feels and performs.

I’m 2/3 of the way through and time has gone so fast, you guys! 21 days is not a long time. Give yourself 30 minutes a day for 3 weeks and I promise you will feel and look better! Week 3 is the last week of my first round on 21 Day Fix. I plan to give it my all this week and finish off strong!

If you’re interested in learning more about 21 Day Fix, I’ll list my previous posts on that program here:

I hope this was helpful. If you have any questions or comments don’t forget to leave them in the comment box below, message me on Facebook, or send me an e-mail!
