Birthday Workout: Starting 26 off right!

Today is my 26th birthday.

My family and I celebrated over the weekend. Hubby gave me some cute presents and wrote the sweetest note in my birthday card that I will cherish forever {I am truly so blessed to have him in my life}. He lit the candle on the cheesecake and he and MJ sang, “Happy Birthday” to me while Asey smiled and danced. MJ helped me blow out the candle which was supposed to play music but N couldn’t get it working. Turned out that he just didn’t twist the candle the right way! 🙂


Hubby and I went out on a coffee-and-a-movie date. We went to Starbucks and saw The Maze Runner, which was an amazing movie, by the way! But today, my hubby is back to work and the boys and I have just hung out at home reading books, watching movies, and playing with Legos. I made sure to make some me-time and got a much-needed workout in (you know, to work off that cheesecake!).

It was my first time using these bad little puppies. Hubby got me these kettle bells for my birthday. He knew how long I’ve been wanting them. It was such a good workout that got me sweating and my muscles burning in no time!


But this workout was more than just aworkout! It was my way of starting 26 off right. Twenty-five has been one of the most difficult years of my life. There were more bad times than good. More struggles than success. More tears than laughter… But I have grown. I have made changes. Making my health a priority and accepting that I cannot control everything are just a couple of those changes. This workout was a symbol, a promise to myself to be the best version of me this next year, accepting my failures as well as my victories along the way, and not comparing myself to others because comparison is the thief of joy. Next year will be my golden birthday. By the time I’m 27 I will be in the best place physically and mentally. I will step out of my comfort zone. I will grow spiritually and emotionally. I am so blessed to have come so far in the past year, and I owe it all to God. Everything good in my life is from Him. How lucky I am to be called His daughter! Happy Birthday to me! 🙂

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1:17
