My Week One Results on 21 Day Fix

Today is Day 8 on 21 Day Fix which means the start of Week 2. I am 1/3 of the way through my first round of 21 Day Fix and I am thrilled with my results so far! I enjoyed all the workouts. They were simple, yet effective moves that get your heart pumping. The moves are easily modified to make them easier or harder to match your fitness level. I found that I was able to do most moves without needing to modify them, but the ab workouts were usually the ones I needed to make a little easier for myself. After two pregnancies my abdominal separation has not fully recovered, so my abs are not where I would like them to be.

The nutrition guide was easy to follow and provided MORE than enough food for me. Check out my previous post on my meal plan for week one here. Shakeology has been a huge help in cutting my cravings. It is my favorite and healthiest meal of the day. I feel like I get to have a cheat meal EVERY DAY without it actually being a cheat meal. In fact, because of the weight I lost this week, I was able to drop my calorie needs from the 1,800-2,099 range to 1,500-1,799.

Now for the good part… MY WEEK ONE RESULTS!!!

I lost 4.2 pounds AND 4 inches!

I like to weigh myself every morning right after waking up. In no way do I think anyone should measure their success by the number on the scale but rather how you feel and how your clothes are fitting. But for me, the scale helps motivate me to stay on track. I know enough about myself to know what times of the month my weight will fluctuate (ladies, you know what I’m talking about) and I know that certain foods will also cause me to retain extra water weight. The scale shows me whether I had a little too much of a certain food that I know causes me to bloat or if I didn’t get in enough activity the previous day. But after a week to drop a little over 4 pounds and 4 inches, I’m proud of myself and the work I put in this week.

Here is a breakdown of my weight loss for the week so you can see how I fluctuated throughout Week One. The daily number shown is my overall weight loss in comparison to Day 1:

Day 1: Started 21 Day Fix workouts and diet

Day 2: -2

Day 3: -2 (same weight as Day 2)

Day 4: -1.8 (gained 0.2 lb since Day 2)

Day 5: -4.2

Day 6: -4 (gained 0.2 lb since Day 5)

Day 7: -4 (same as Day 6)

Day 8: -4.2 (lost 4.2 lb total since Day 1)

I hope this was helpful! If you want to know more about what program I am doing, visit my post telling you all about 21 Day Fix including some FAQ’s!


Meal Plan: 21 Day Fix Approved

The Nutrition Guide for 21 Day Fix is all about PORTIONS! There is a simple formula you use to find out your own personal calorie needs to fuel your body properly. After all, you need calories to burn calories, right? If you feed your body the right food and the right amount of food, your body will have the energy it needs to do the 21 Day Fix workouts and get through your day!

What makes 21 Day Fix unique are the color coded containers used to measure out your food portions.


So my personal calorie needs fell into the 1800-2099 calorie range. To me, that is A LOT of food. It’s important to know that there is no need to count calories and you do not need to eat all of the food; I certainly don’t! This is the only diet I have ever been on that hasn’t left me feeling hungry and deprived. Listen to your body. If you’re keeping yourself well hydrated with LOTS of water, eating the right foods, and exercising… your stomach isn’t lying to you when it starts growling. 😉 Grrrr!

These are the amount of containers for each color for the 1800-2099 calorie range:

Green – 5
Purple – 3
Red – 5
Yellow – 4
Blue- 1
Orange – 1
Teaspoon – 5

In the nutrition guide there are options of how many meals and how often you should eat. I followed THE FAT BURNER which suggests to eat every 2 hours with all yellow and purple containers consumed before 6pm.

Here are the meals that I prepped in bulk, so that my husband and I had enough for several days!


2 hard boiled eggs (1 red), 2 slices multigrain bread (2 yellow), sriracha (free)



Greek yogurt (1 red), granola (1 yellow)



Smoothie: 1 cup water, frozen spinach (1/2 green), carrots (1/2 green), frozen mango (1 purple, banana (2 purple), splash of lemon juice (free)



Baked wild-caught salmon (1 red), texmati rice blend (1 yellow)



Mocha Chiller Shakeology: 1 scoop chocolate Shakeology (1 red), 16 oz chilled coffee (free) AND baby carrots (1 green), peanut butter (4 tsp.)



Lettuce mix (1 1/2 green), grape tomatoes (1/2 green), cucumbers (1 green), grilled chicken breast (1 red), feta cheese (1 blue), 21 Day Fix Creamy Herb Dressing (1 orange)


I hope this was helpful for you! If you want to know more about 21 Day Fix you can read my post 21 Day FixExplained + My Own Experience So Far!

Don’t forget to like me on Facebook and follow me on Instagram where I like to connect with you all on a more personal level.

Thanks for reading!
