#TBT 10 Pounds Heavier and a Whole Lot Healthier!

Hey, guys! I know I’ve been off the blogging train for a few months but I thought what better way to jump back on than by sharing a transformation pic!


‪#‎TBT‬ Believe it or not, I’m 10 pounds heavier today (pictured left) than I was 11 months ago (pictured right).

A year ago, I was doing cardio on the elliptical 3x per day: morning, afternoon, and night, for at least 30-45 minutes each time, and sometimes up to 3 or 4 hours per day! I cut my calories down considerably and yes, I lost weight but the number on the scale doesn’t tell you that I wasn’t eating enough to fuel my body so I felt low on energy; the scale doesn’t tell you that I didn’t lose many inches, and the inches I did lose was from losing muscle. The scale doesn’t tell you that I was not sleeping well because I would stay up late and wake up early to keep getting on the elliptical.

Fast forward 11 months and yes, I have gained weight even though I am on a weightless journey, but the scale doesn’t tell you that now I am stronger because I’ve gained muscle, the scale doesn’t tell you that I am now able to do burpees or that I’ve lost several inches. The scale doesn’t tell you that my face is considerably thinner, my skin clearer and glowy, nor does the scale tell you that I now do 30 minute workouts a day, or that I am sleeping at least 7-8 hours every night. The scale doesn’t tell you that now I eat more and I eat better. I fuel my body rather than deprive it. It’s all thanks to my desire to pursue health and fitness rather than a number on the scale. Because of Beachbody and Shakeology I am healthier and stronger. I’ve been loving my 30 minute (or less) workouts with 21 Day Fix, T25, and now my new favorite, 21 Day Fix Extreme because now I get to have more time to spend with my family, catch up on my favorite shows, or dive into a novel. I no longer spend countless hours on the elliptical. I do 30 minutes of exercises that shape my body and build muscle. Everyone has 30 minutes. If I can do it, so can you!


Change Makes Us Stronger

The before picture was taken about 1.5 years ago. There’s a difference of about 15-20 pounds but I still have a long way to go. This transformation is more than just physical. I have battled not only my weight but adjustment disorder as well. My adjustment disorder started shortly after moving to Japan over 5 years ago. I experienced culture shock that never really went away. For years I experienced feelings of depression (a symptom of adjustment disorder, not diagnosed clinical depression). I remember when it started. I stopped smiling and laughing. When I did laugh or smile, it was only for show. Then came the tears… Endless amounts of tears. When crying wasn’t enough to release my pain, I started to turn to food for comfort. Nothing I did would take away the pain I felt from being away from everyone and everything I knew and loved. I did not feel comfortable, not even in my own house. Even though I was with my husband, to me, I did not have a home and I did not belong in Japan. I felt alone, isolated, and hopeless. It has been the darkest time of my life.

During my time in Japan, I also had two baby boys. Pregnancy and breastfeeding certainly had their own demands and effects on my body. After being in Japan for 4 years and with 2 left to go I finally sought help. That is when things slowly started improving for me. I started feeling more like myself and in time I started loving myself again. I started to care about my body and the food I put in it. Then I started adding in exercise, some of which were Beachbody programs. I found out that I love lifting because of ChaLEAN Extreme and developed a love-hate relationship with Shaun T because of Insanity. Then came 21 Day Fix and Les Mills Pump and Combat! I fell in love with working out again and though I have still have a long way to go, I have lost 20 pounds from my highest non-pregnancy weight so far and I’m proud of myself. I’m pursuing a healthy lifestyle and now I am a better wife, mom, and a better ME because of it!

Don’t be afraid to change. Change and the ability to accept change AND even pursue change is what makes us stronger!
