Coach Open House

As you all know, I recently made the decision to become a Beachbody Coach. I had no idea what I was getting into, I just knew that other coaches I have come across seemed so passionate about what they do. I thought to myself, “I wish I could do that.” Months passed and I became even more interested in Beachbody and my thoughts changed from “I wish…” to “I am going to do that!” As a coach, I want to help people live healthier lifestyles while also having the added motivation and accountability to live my own life being active, fit, and healthy! I am so blessed to have become apart of this amazing team of coaches. I haven’t felt so encouraged and excited about anything in such a long time. If only I had this opportunity of going to Coach Open House, I might have made the decision sooner!

Our group of coaches from Team Exonerated will be giving you 5 DAYS to have you an inside scoop of what it’s like to be a Beachbody Coach. You will have the opportunity to see the potential in Beachbody and you can ask any and all questions you may have to help you decide whether coaching is right for you!

The Coach Open House starts on Monday, November 17 and goes through Friday November 22.

Each day a new discussion topic will be posted and we would love your participation!


Hope to see you there!


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