21 Day Fix Explained + My Own Experience So Far!

Just 4 days ago, I started one of Beachbody’s most popular programs, 21 Day Fix. It’s a simple 3 week program that focuses on portion control with easy-to-use, color coded containers and has a nutrition plan that will NOT leave you feeling hungry and even allows for treats like wine or chocolate and even eating out isn’t off limits! No counting calories or points. Why? It’s not necessary if you’re using the right portions and feeding yourself the right foods.

Combine the 21 Day Fix diet with one 30 minute workout (of simple yet effective exercises) a day and you could loose up to 15 pounds in 21 days. I am only on day 4 and have already lost 3 pounds!!! I feel more energetic AND, most importantly, I do NOT feel hungry. Most of the time I don’t even finish all the food that I am allowed for the day. Every other diet I have tried was restricting and left me with low energy levels and barely enough calories to get me through the day. I’ll be sure to update you on my progress throughout my time on this program.

I’ve been getting asked a lot of questions lately about 21 Day Fix, and I’m happy to answer all your questions. If your questions aren’t covered here, feel free to e-mail me at thesarahrule@yahoo.com or message me on my Facebook page. Here’s a video to give you a better idea of what 21 Day Fix is all about:

Click here to watch the video

Who should use 21 Day Fix?

Men and women who:

  • Want to lose weight
  • Don’t want to make long time commitments
  • Have tried and failed at complicated diet plans
  • Don’t want an extreme fitness program
  • Have started their weight-loss journey with Shakeology®
  • Are new to fitness, dieting, and weight loss
  • Don’t like “off-limits” diet plans or deprivation

Why YOU should use 21 Day Fix:

  • To finally lose the weight and keep it off
  • To lose weight quickly before an event or vacation
  • To learn what healthy portions really look like
  • To find out how easy portion control and weight loss can be

What makes the 21 Day Fix workouts so effective?

  • 21 Day Fix takes all of the guesswork out of working out. You know which workout to do each day and can be confident you’re working your whole body efficiently in just 30 minutes a day.
  • The workouts yield consistent calorie-burning results, unlike a treadmill workout that can have very inconsistent and inaccurate calorie counts.
  • The 30-minute boot-camp style workouts keep your heart rate up throughout, so you have an effective and efficient workout that burns maximum calories.
  • There’s a modifier in every workout to show you how to take down the intensity while still getting awesome results.
  • Trainer Autumn Calabrese created a 7-day-a-week schedule to give you the best results in just 21 days. Each day of the week is a different workout, all perfectly designed to avoid overtraining and keep you injury-free.

 What’s included in 21 Day Fix?

  • 7 color-coded portion-control containers
  • Shakeology® shaker cup
  • 6 easy-to-follow 30-minute workouts
  • 21 Day Fix Start Here quickstart guide and workout calendar
  • 21 Day Fix Eating Plan that shows you exactly what to do
  • 3 Day Quick Fix Guide, Autumn’s secret weapon for fast weight loss
  • Dirty 30 bonus workout
  • AND… When you order through ME, you’ll also get Plyo Fix for FREE! You’ll get a bonus workout and save $19.95.
    • Plyo Fix is a calorie-blasting cardio workout featuring 6 rounds of heart-pumping moves that will help you burn off the fat in record time. The intense but easy-to-follow drills build strength and endurance to fire up your fitness levels so you can get a lean, toned physique—fast.


What equipment is needed?

  •  Dumbbells or a resistance band are used in some workouts.
  •  A yoga mat and the Beachbody® miniMAT are helpful, but not required.

Where can I purchase 21 Day Fix?

The Essential Package is $59.85 and you can click here to purchase

Is there a 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack? What are the details?

Yes! It contains the 21 Day Fix Essential Package, a 30-day supply of Shakeology (regularly $129.95) and a FREE 30-day trial membership to the Team Beachbody Club (regularly $2.99 per week).

The Challenge Pack is $160 and you can click here to purchase

Remember, if any of you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to e-mail me or message me on Facebook! 


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